Saturday, November 14, 2009

Called to be Mothers

From: Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise)

"I’m out here for you! You don’t
know what it’s like to be me out
here for you. It is an up-at-dawn
pride-swallowing siege that I will
never fully tell you about!"

He may have been talking there about the pitfalls of being a sports agent, but I tell you, it hits home – for me, maybe not you – for being a mother ( and wife too in some ways)!
There are days like this where I question what I do and where my Me-hood in Parenthood is under all the pressures,chores,and responsibilities. I think alot of times this runs through people's mind 'You mean that's all you do? That's all?(which is quite funny to me for many reasons)
As a mother, Your life is given to fight for the ones you love and to take ESPECIALLY to take care of people, small ones to begin with, whose wants never seem to ever, ever end. Sometimes when your days seem to be solely taken up with wiping things, dishes and sinks, floors, lysoling (-which is my favorite thing to little runny noses and big, slow tears, and in ALL THIS you wonder about what fulfillment is supposed to mean for you. You wonder about being, besides the perfect wife and mother the hostess with the mostest, creative, intellectually productive, beautiful, and slowly your dreams seem to evaporate. You've been listening to what they're telling us nowadays about how important it is to find yourself, express yourself and assert yourself which is great to do but have to remember what is desired of us. Maybe you're thinking that you're nothing more than somebody's wife and somebody else's mother, and what kind of a life is that and you start doubting not only yourself but everyting in your life? Well, It makes me think of this tribe I read about in the southern Sudan called Nuers where a woman's name is changed not when she becomes a wife, but when she becomes a mother. She is manpuka, mother of puka. Among the Nuers, being someone's mother is what makes a woman's life meaningful. THEN you think about
2,000 years ago there was another young woman of the Jewish tribe of Judah who understood that truth. The world has never forgotten her,MARY the MOTHER of Jesus, because she was willing to be known as simply someone's mother.

Motherhood is a calling. It's a womanly calling. And let's not be cowed by those who extinguish the light and joy of sexuality by trying to persuade us to forget words like manly and womanly. At the beginning of time when God made the first man and the first woman in His image, He put both under the divine command to be fruitful.
The woman's obedience to that command meant self-giving. First, she gave herself to her husband. He initiated. She responded. Then she gave herself for the life of her child. A woman knows in the deepest regions of her being that it's this very self-giving for which she was made, single or married. Her level of maturity is measured by how much she gives to others. If she's married, she gives herself to her husband and she receives. If she's a mother, she loses her life in her child and mysteriously she finds it. A woman knows that no one can really say where the giving ends and the receiving starts.

It's no wonder we're confused when urged to look for some better or higher vocation in which to prove our personhood. No wonder we're distressed to be subjected to male standards or told that the notion of femininity and masculinity are obsolete. Old-fashioned notions they are indeed, but they weren't ours to begin wit!!!. They were God's. He planned the whole system, and it's God Himself who calls. He calls some to be single, some married people to be childless, but He calls most women to be M O T H E R S. There are, the Bible tells us, differences of gifts and they're all given according to God's grace. If our calling is to be mothers, let's be mothers with all our hearts-gladly, simply, and humbly, like that little peasant girl Mary, who spoke for all women for all time when she said,

'Behold, the handmaid of the Lord. Be it unto me according to Thy word.'"

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Discipline Questionnaire- Dr. Phil

Part One

1. My children can predict the consequences of their actions with a high degree of accuracy.

2. My children know they have to perform certain things they don't want to do in order to get access to things they do want to do.

3. My partner and I present a united front regarding rules and discipline to our children.

4. I adjust my communications to my child to his/her level of understanding, taking his/her age into account.

5. I am friendly and loving with my children yet I have established myself clearly as a respected authority figure in their lives.

Part Two

1. I choose rewards and punishments based on what works.

2. I reward my child for good behavior.

3. I parent without guilt.

4. I am sensitive to not over-scheduling my child.

5. I render discipline without anger.

Scoring: If you answered "false" to any questions in part one or part two, there are things you can do to more effectively discipline your child.

# Avoid some common parenting mistakes.
# You may be using forms of discipline that are ineffective at your child's age.

From The Show

* Are You Disciplining Your Child the Wrong Way?

Related Links

* Biggest Mistakes Parents Make
* Questions to Ask Before Spanking
* What to Do When You Disagree on Discipline
* Listening to Your Child's Bad Behavior
* Five Steps to Disciplining Your Child
* The Pros and Cons of Spanking
* Stop Spoiling Your Kids

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Just A Mom

Just A Mom

A woman, renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk 's office,
was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation.

She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.

"What I mean is, " explained the recorder,
"do you have a job or are you just a ....?"

"Of course I have a job," snapped the woman.

"I'm a Mom."

"We don't list 'Mom' as an occupation,
'housewife' covers it,"
Said the recorder emphatically.

I forgot all about her story until one day I found myself
in the same situation, this time at our own Town Hall.
The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised,
efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like,
"Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar."

"What is your occupation?" she probed.

What made me say it? I do not know.
The words simply popped out.
"I'm a Research Associate in the field of
Child Development and Human Relations."

The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and
looked up as though she had not heard right.

I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most significant words.
Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written,
in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.

"Might I ask," said the clerk with new interest,
"just what you do in your field?"

Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice,
I heard myself reply,
"I have a continuing program of research,
(what mother doesn't)
In the laboratory and in the field,
(normally I would have said indoors and out).
I'm working for my Masters, (first the Lord and then the whole family)
and already have four credits (all daughters).
Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities,
(any mother care to disagree?)
and I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it).
But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers
and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money."

There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she
completed the form, stood up, and personally ushered me to the door.

As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career,
I was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3.
Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model,
(a 6 month old baby) in the child development program,
testing out a new vocal pattern.
I felt I had scored a beat on bureaucracy!
And I had gone on the official records as someone more
distinguished and indispensable to mankind than "just another Mom."

What a glorious career!
Especially when there's a title on the door.

Friday, November 6, 2009

YouTube - Beyonce Sweet Dreams Live at MTV Europe Music Awards 2009 Berlin HQ

YouTube - Beyonce Sweet Dreams Live at MTV Europe Music Awards 2009 Berlin HQ

Fruit Of The Spirit

Which fruit do you have?? Read...

Fruit Of The Spirit

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The little things are- Amazing

Real Quick before I do dinner;
Caden and I spent the day together today doing different things that he enjoyed. I learned a big thing about him today though. I learned something that he listens so deeply & I thought he wasnt and I am not even sure what he really knows in his mind after today. So I guess he is a exactly like Steven with information and knowledge. You would never know what was in his mind until he was ready or needed to share it. Its amazing to me what he has listen to from me. It makes me in pure excitement to know he really cares what I am saying and listening. It was sharing things with me today that I told him 6 months ago. I love Caden- now I know that he is always listening and its amazing what he stores in his mind.
It was such a nice today to spend it with Caden alone because it means so much to him to give him my time and full attention sometimes. I am very proud and thankful for him. He keeps me going in so many ways. He loves like no other. I have doubts about who cares and loves me I promise I will always know Caden does because that is 1 thing he is very open with is his love. WEll, I guess I learn a few new things today.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Caden figured out the WEBCAM today.. HUUULK!

Families Raising Christian Kids

Raising children to be faithful Christians is the parents' sole responsibility. The church is an instrument used to help you accomplish this very important task.

Ephesians 6:1-3 says, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." "Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." Wow! Does that speak volumes to you? It should. Paul is telling us that if children obey their parents, God will be pleased with them and they will enjoy a long life on earth. Of course, a child will not know this is a promise for them in the Bible, if no one ever tells them where to find it. The verses go on to say in Ephesians 6:4, "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." This is telling earthly fathers not to irritate their children, not to cause them to become bitter and angry. But, instead they should train and instruct their children using the Bible as their manual. God has clearly given parents the responsibility to raise their children as faithful Christians.

What is happening in our society today that causes parents to lay the responsibility of teaching their children about Christ on the church they attend? Of course, the biggest issue is time constraints. Busy work schedules, homework, extracurricular activities, and social events are soaking up all of our time, leaving very little time to teach our kids about Christian values. Another issue is fear. Many parents long to be the ones teaching their children about Christian values, but they feel inadequate to do this. They feel like they do not know enough about the Bible to take on this responsibility. And, a third issue is just plain lack of responsibility. Parents may feel that as long as their children are going to Bible/Sunday School, they are doing their role in teaching their children Christian Values. This is a sad situation for the parent and child relationship.

Time Constraints. This situation is easy enough to resolve. If being your child's teacher about Christian values is a priority to you, here are some tips that may make it easier for you and your family to spend some quality Bible time together:

* Make reading and discussing the Bible a nighttime routine. Instead of reading storybooks at night, read the Bible for 15 minutes and discuss what you've read for 5 minutes.
* Have everyone in your household eat dinner together. A sit-down meal is a great place to do a Bible devotion and have a family discussion. The dinners do not have to be fancy, everyone just needs to be there together!
* Listen to Christian radio stations in the car. Use the lyrics of the songs to prompt discussion and what the words mean. Most Christian lyrics are heartfelt and have a real meaning to them.

Fear. In all honesty, not very many people know the Bible cover-to-cover and what God says for every situation. That is why the Bible is our blueprint or manual. It is meant to be with us always. We refer to it as needed for all of our needs. Tell your children that when they have a question to ask about anything, whether pertaining to Christianity or social situations, to let you know, and you will help them find out what God has to say about it in the Bible. Most Bibles have concordances that will let you know where you can find exact verses for many different situations. You can use the Internet, as well. Bible Gateway is an awesome resource for looking up the Bible online. Remember that God is with you and you are who He commands to teach your children. Your church will jump at the chance to aid you with resources, whereby you can handle the task of teaching your children and gain some wisdom yourself.

Lack of Responsibility. This can be a discomforting issue to bring up, but the truth be told, it is a serious misconception or miscommunication that the church is responsible for raising your children with Christian Values. This issue has different facets, the first being the belief that if you go to church every Sunday, you will get to heaven. The only way to heaven is through Jesus. Jesus himself says in John 14:6, "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." You, nor your children, will see the Kingdom of Heaven without having acknowledged Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. Just showing up to church every Sunday with your children is not completing the task at hand. Reading the Bible daily and having engaging discussions will show your children that Jesus is important to you, and, thus, should be important to them.
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Another reason parents lay the task of teaching their children Christian values is that teaching themselves is not a priority in their life, and just assume that someone else do it for them. The church is an instrument used to prepare us to tell others about Christianity. It equips us with the tools we need to carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). It is a wonderful thing when a church provides a Children's Ministry to teach kids about the Great Commission and the values that they should possess to be faithful Christians. Children may not know they are being groomed to spread the Good News otherwise. But, no where in the Bible does it say that the church is necessarily responsible for this teaching. On the other hand, it does clearly state that parents are responsible, as stated above (Ephesians 6:1-4).

Sending kids off to school everyday and having teachers in school may lull some parents in the comfort that they do not need to teach their kids about Christian values because they have "teachers" in Bible/Sunday School, as well. Kudos to Bible/Sunday School teachers, who are more than likely volunteers who have a serious commitment to telling children about how Jesus wants them to live. Just remember that nothing can replace the joy a child feels when their parents take time to tell them something as important as being a Christian. It brings families closer and warms God's heart to see this. Some churches do not have children programs or perhaps families only attend a mass or service and do not attend Bible/Sunday School. Who is responsible for teaching children at this point? Think on that. Will it be you?

Just for clarification reasons, the church is an important part of your child's and your Christian walk. Gathering with other Christians provides strength, wisdom, and teachings that we need in order to live a Christian life every day. It is just as important that you, as parents, are teaching your children about a Christian life every day, too.

Love Languages

What are the Five Love Languages?
Affirmation, gifts, acts of service, quality time and physical touch can enhance any relationship.

A discussion of Gary Chapman's The Five Love Languages for Singles.

What do you think your primary love language is? Supposedly we each have one distinctive one that we must receive in order to feel truly fulfilled in our relationships.

The first love language listed is words of affirmation. The language we hear, be it positive affirming words or negative language and feedback, drastically effects our developing personalities and therefore our behaviors.

The second love language listed is gifts: "A gift is a tangible object that says, 'I was thinking about you. I wanted you to have this. I love you.' . . . A gift by its very nature is not payment for services rendered. When a dating partner says, 'I will give you . . if you will . .' the partner is not offering a gift, nor is he expressing love. The person is simply striking a deal."

The third love language the book lists is acts of service. For instance, "I know he loves me because he always checks my car over before I leave on a business trip. He checks the oil, the tires, and makes sure I have windshield washer fluid, etc."

The next love language is quality time. This love language is about the experiences we share with our loved ones. How do you spend your time together? Quality time does not involve you in one room surfing the internet while he is in the other room watching ESPN!

Read more:

Saturday, August 29, 2009


What does living with PASSION really mean?? To me, living with passion means expressing all of the positive energy in everything you do. Exploding into something without letting anything stopping you. It means living every moment as important. And most importantly, it means finding joy in your everyday life.
Not too long ago I started pursuing living with passion. I tried to be joyful in everything I did, and I always had energy. When people asked me how I managed, I told them that I put my heart into everything I did. "Everything is worth doing with all the love in your heart," I told them, and I meant it. Even my worst days couldn't drag me down because I put passion into with positive attitude.
Then I hit a rough spot in my life; living passionately faded away as I struggled just to live happily. For a while the passion was gone from me. In its place was boredom and sadness. I finally sought help & really looked into God‘s promise for me and began to look with eyes full of life and vibrancy. I also had the help of my two little boys that live with love every day & not a care in the world & they are what give me the push to live with passion.
So what's my formula to living passionately now….hmmm?
No excuses. If I want to, or need to, do something, all I need to do is go out and do it this was a lesson ingrained in me with tears and a lot of tough times . There are no excuses for not doing something. I must be constantly motivated to live. Although I first grumbled about this policy, it has since allowed me to be enthusiastic about any task or not scared out of taking on new things.
Smiling. Lifting the corners of my lips was not easy at first; now it has become a regular habit. There is a sense of euphoria, a release of chemicals in the brain, when you smile. Smiling, even when things seem tough, brings a sense of calm back to the situation. From that calm, you can reach inside your heart and share your passion again.
Everything to its fullest. This is a short way of the philosophy I had a few years ago, in which I told people to do everything with all the love in your heart. All of us possess passion and love in our hearts. It isn't romantic love; it is an overwhelming love for the EVERYTHING, for life, for existing. By putting that loving energy into everything I do, I find that everything can be done with passion and others can thrive off that passion and find the same joy. I feel like God feels me everyday & has giving me this passion once again.
Finding my spiritual supporter, comforter and Father has given me a reason to live passionately & do things for people to my fullest. Go out confident that life has nothing but love to offer is my greatest suggestion.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

There is inside you
All of the potential
To be whatever you want to be;
All of the energy
To do whatever you want to do.
Imagine yourself as you would like to be,
Doing what you want to do,
And each day, take one step
Towards your dream.
And though at times it may seem too
difficult to continue,
Hold on to your dream.
One morning you will awake to find
That you are the person you dreamed of,
Doing what you wanted to do,
Simply because you had the courage
To believe in your potential
And to hold on to your dream.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

“Here I go again on my own”

So you know t that AT&T wireless commercial where the dad is always traveling and he takes along his daughter's stuffed monkey.  You know, the one where he takes pictures of the monkey while traveling and sends them to his wife and daughter? I have realized that the cute AT&T commercial is actually my reality…. Ha ha!

Steven is an engineer for a new up and coming international oil company that requires him to travel out of the state A LOT and FOR A LONG TIME. So I typically get one of two reactions to our situation –" I could not do that- how are you surviving- man that would make me go crazy"or
You're so lucky! I wish my hubby traveled! Can he work for your husband?"

Really our situation works for us (or maybe we are just making it work because we have to??).  Our time apart makes our time together even more exciting and I def value him so much more.  I like having alone time & set schedules & routines too.  I like doing things my own way that consist of order I guess and he doesn't so it works out ok in that way.  I have learned to be an independent person and more importantly independent mom. I can say that I am working towards the supermom label.  I can fix things around the house, take care of the yard, minor electrical problems and so on.  If there is a plumbing leak I can usually find a solution to it after researching. If there is a problem, I def don't look at it as an bad thing maybe just a challenge. I can drive his big manly truck with no problem now, and still dress up nicely in ones days work. I can multi-task and take care of myself, my husband, my toddler boys and all the messes & outbreaks they bring along( wow and there is A LOT). I take care of our financial situations like paying all the bills and keeping things updated.  And while I can get overwhelmed at times, I think I really thrive on it & setting those short term goals everyday makes me feel a sense of confidence at the end of the day.

As we hit this phase in our life, I just wondered " How will my husband's long traveling schedule fit into FAMILY LIFE?  How will I manage doing all of the above when there is 1.5 & 3.5 yr old attached to my hip and have no family to help?  And more importantly, how will I stop myself from resenting him?  He'll get to leave town, sleep in a quiet hotel in resort areas, eat on his company's money, drink fine wines & have margaritas? He gets to worry about taking care of no one but himself without hearing anyone. While I am having to learn new ways to cope with out a male in their life & mine. Having to hear toddlers all day long for weeks. Having no "adult time" or even "girl time" without my kids.

After really thinking & dealing with our situation by myself, I have learned to appreciate him & be thankful for what he provides for us. Learned how to stay in touch with myself as individual & to appreciate myself not just as a mom but as a whole.. I have learned to do things that I never thought I would have to do. I have learned to that communication can be a sensative thing & to value & watch what you say and never hold your feelings back. Time away has made me much more creative & to think out of the box. I have learned to never give up & to always try. I have learned that my role as a mom is very much needed. I have learned that I am such a strong person even when I had no idea of my inner strength.

As for Steven, I just hope he can redirect his thoughts when he comes home. This time he has been in Mexico really has changed him in such a good way, so I hope he comes with the same attitude and puts that towards his family. I hope he has had some realizations as well. He has surprised me with his thoughtfulness because being gone so long I think has made him care for us that much more. So maybe time away does help our relationship & family time. I mean it def is so hard after 4 weeks of being away from us because I don't get the opportunity to meet anyone. Its hard to haul 2 toddlers around & then have an adult conversation while my 1.5 yr old is running as far as he can from me and laughing looking back. Maybe something will work out where I can meet with other moms here and that will make my time better without him.. I am a young mom but I love & put all my attention into them, so I hope I can connect with other moms that are similar. All in all, a traveling husband has it downsides but ultimately I think it will bring us together & the boys will live a great life because of the hard work on Steven's part & the time & effort I give. So how can I complain about my situation?!! Instead, I should be grateful.



Cash for Clunckers

Friday, April 24, 2009

Its Been A While...

Well it has been a while since I last blogged. The reason why is not because I have not had things exciting or dramatic go on maybe because I have been so tired to even think of words to type by the end of the day. With Steven being gone to Mexico, I am usually taking care and consumed by the boys all day. Even though they both are great and have great sleeping schedules, I usually finish up my "must do" list of things for that day or do a lot of research while I catch up on shows. Needless to say Steven just got back into town so here I am blogging.

Steven is gone a lot for work and I am here to handle our family responsibilities and take care of the boys more importantly. I really have been thinking a lot about just my past in general of living different places and having ups and DOWNS. I just feel like God maybe let us go through things in our life to prepare us for this place in our life. I don't think I would be able to handle Steven being gone from us ALL the time if I was not already use to a life similar to that. At those times I had no idea what I was doing and really questioning "how am I going to do this?" or maybe even "why?" I can see now & understand why God let those hard times come. God really helped me to be a stronger person from it all & learn things I would have never learned if I didn't have to struggle. I would have never have opened my eyes or humbled myself enough I do not think. I truly believe now that God can do so much work in you in your low times and maybe HE is just preparing you for something great too. God can really use your life even if you had no idea as an example. Maybe there are other women out there that could connect to my exact same situation. I can now testify that God is great and has used my hard & unthinkable situations for something beyond what I thought. There is no way I can explain why or why not but ultimately If i know God is in control then I can handle anything. There are tough times since Steven travels so much but my true test is how I handle it. I feel like where we are right now ( and STEVEN LOVES HIS JOB) is just the beginning and God has so much in store. God has placed on my heart that HE has begun a great work in me and I feel like there will be a special way He will use me. I have no idea what that may be but hopefully I can be patient and just WAIT and TRUST.

I just hope I do not get blinded by things and let it alter my potential. Thankfully I trust in someone that is so forgiving!!!!

Finally, what I was trying to get to from the beginning is WE ARE MOVING TO THE WOODLANDS Its northern Houston about 20 mins from the Galleria area where we live now. I am so in love with the Galleria but maybe not so much too raise a family without Steven here. The Woodlands seems so perfect. Its known as "the bubble" which means its one of a kind & security. Feeling safe is a top priority because I feel like I can not even live when I am always worried because I am the nurturer and PROTECTOR.We are really excited and I love the house. It was a lot to go through and figure out what & where was the best but I am so happy because its beautiful but its going to feel like home. I am just so excited Caden and Camden will have a backyard to play in finally. I better invest in some sunscreen right now because most of our days will be spent out there or at a park-

WE move into our house on Thursday. I packed up everything & we are ready to go besides cleaning Caden's beautiful sticker collection & art work on the walls and doors( yeah thats what happens when daddy babysits)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fasting & Prayer

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Soo today is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, the 40-day period of sacrifice and reflection observed by many Christians (especially, but not exclusively, Catholics) as a way to prepare for the Easter celebration of Jesus' death and resurrection. Traditionally in the Catholic Church, Lent was a time of fasting -- defined as abstaining from meat and limiting oneself to one full meal a day, usually around noon. The Lenten fast is intended to recall Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the desert before he began his public ministry. The tradition of fasting led, in modern times, is "giving something up" for Lent -- if not food, then at least ice cream; if not meat, then at least pepperoni pizza. And the season is not just about sacrifice -- it's also a time of prayer and reflection, of learning. So in addition to "giving something up," people often commit to doing something positive -- to praying every day, or attending Mass/church daily, or treating everyone with kindness and patience. You know I have never really known too much about lent since I grew up southern baptist. I have taken on a lot of reading and research & come to realize that lent is a special time to really reflect upon your sinful ways and to rejoice in Gods time in the desert before his ministry. I have been thinking about what I could give up and there are tons of things that consume me.. So basically I'm trying to not let the things that I " have to have" like the internet, television, and my iphone "take me over" this period of time. I want to take this serious & try to gain my love again for God. I feel like if I can discipline myself as a christian than God will hear my cries and my prayers. Im not only doing this for my own self gain but for my kids as well. I always want God to hear me when I call to him about my children. I have also decided to fast. I have been researching this for years and finally decided to do it. There are many times in the Bible Jesus did it and so did others. I want to take away & God to fill me in this time. I think this could possibly rejuvenate me in many ways. It seems weird I guess but I think God will fufill me and what can be better than that?? So hopefully I can not let a certain thing consume me-----This is going to be really hard for me but i think it something that will be good for me.

Here are some reasons why I decided to fast:

* Fasting was an expected discipline in both the Old and New Testament eras. For example, Moses fasted at least two recorded forty-day periods. Jesus fasted 40 days and reminded His followers to fast, "when you fast," not if you fast.
* Fasting and prayer can restore the loss of the "first love" for your Lord and result in a more intimate relationship with Christ.
* Fasting is a biblical way to truly humble yourself in the sight of God (Psalm 35:13; Ezra 8:21). King David said, "I humble myself through fasting."
* Fasting enables the Holy Spirit to reveal your true spiritual condition, resulting in brokenness, repentance, and a transformed life.
* The Holy Spirit will quicken the Word of God in your heart and His truth will become more meaningful to you!
* Fasting can transform your prayer life into a richer and more personal experience.
* Fasting can result in a dynamic personal revival in your own life-and make you a channel of revival to others.
* Fasting and prayer are the only disciplines that fulfill the requirements of II Chronicles 7:14:

Wish me luck!!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Description of Houston from what I have seen so far:

Houston has a diverse mix of cultures. In fact, it is considered one of the most culturally diverse cities in America. It is a fast paced city, but a whole lot more laid back than New York City. For the most part, people in Houston are kind, helpful, open, and courtesy - these qualities vanish however when we are on the road in traffic. Rudeness and road rage abound. The weather is wonderful , but I heard hit June - August and it's hot and HUMID, almost unbearably so I was told. You won't have a problem with dry skin here I'm guessing. You must have a car, public transportation, because the city is so spread out, over 600 square miles, is poor at best. We have many, many things to do in Houston, you name it and we have it: over 40 museums, the arts, the symphony, theater, sporting events, over 10,000 retaurants with more than 290 different types of cuisines. The latest in medical technology is found in Houston which is considered the largestm and most prestigious medical center in the world. If you are in that particular line of work, opportunities abound. In general Houston has not suffered from the current financial crisis as other states. The home values have held. Cost of living is one of the lowest in the nation. Houston is, generally speaking, a more conservative bunch. This is the Bible belt, you know, and that's a very good thing. If you don't know who you are, then you don't know where you are going. it seems very business oriented but family oriented bunch as well. The flavor of the city is cosmopolitan with overtones of country and the promient Mexican culture. So yeah thats what I think of Houston so far of course I have not been here long and could change my views who knows!!!

I do have to say, it is kindof different to be a stay at home mom here because we are living right in the middle of the business district where it never stops!!! It is the oil capital of the world!!! I really enjoy the big city, but sometimes feel like I need to be working along with everyone else. I just want to raise the boys first though because I feel like its my responsibility. I dont want to regret working and not having time with my boys when they were young. My circumstances are different too considering Steven is out of town most the time anyway- I guess Im all they've got here in H- town!! I just hope it all pays off & they boys will be well behaved as they get older too..haha lets just hope!

Also, I do really love that we are in walking distance to everything you would ever want. I have to have TONS of self control thats for sure :) Anyway, Im happy to be here, and hopefully I will fall in love with it since its our new home!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Take Control of your Life

The purpose of life is a life of purpose. ~Robert Byrne

God asks no man whether he will accept life. That is not the choice. You must take it. The only question is how. ~Henry Ward Beecher

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on. ~Robert Frost

Taking control of your life isnt always easy. Just because your life brings unexpected challengers, it does not mean you can not be in control. If you are not in control who is?????? Let me tell you that if you are not in control there will be SOMETHING or SOMEONE else who is- believe me I know from experience. As a person you are in charge of yourself, family,and your environment around you. If you believe you do not have control over your life, because you see obstacles as impossibilities to get around, you will stay right where you are, and your problems are guaranteed to become steadily bigger and never ending. If you believe that options and choices are for others and not for you, let me tell, you are selling yourself short and hurting yourself in the long run. Looking at yourself and how you live your life requires a lot of courage and effort and being REAL. Start believing in yourself before you can move forward, however you need to work on this and what happens depends on you. If someone asked you what the word control means, and let’s assume you are willing to answer this question, which of the following dictionary definitions of control would you use:

  • To exercise authoritative or dominating influence over; direct.

  • To adjust to a requirement; regulate.

  • To hold in restraint; check.

  • To reduce or prevent the spread of.

Now define control based on your experiences. Is there a difference between your definition and the dictionary one? Do specific circumstances change the definition of control? Does control mean influencing or manipulating others in the hope they will change, so you do not have to? Do you control your life, simply by using willpower? Maybe there is not one simple answer to define the word control. Maybe this is because the word control is more elusive than you would like to believe it is.
Maybe you need to involve yourself and not just your willpower to be in control of your life, Learning to take control involves looking at yourself as a whole, looking at your ideas and your perceptions of yourself and others, and how you interact. Nobody goes through life without collecting some baggage along the way. Taking control of your life implies a willingness to look at and rid yourself of dead weight. Dwelling on what makes you feel sad, exhausted, angry and powerless will not help you take control. You will always need a degree of distance from your problems in order to shift your perceptions. Once you have this distance you will start to discover choices. If you hang on to your problems you increase the weight of baggage, you then become attached to it, as it is to you. This blocks your ability to create solutions to the problems and to be the real person that you are. Holding on to things can destroy relationships and trust! I can relate to this from a certain recent situation. I just look at whole thing and think my gosh how can you just hold on to something that is negative for yourself and more importantly your family. Why cant you take control of YOUR life and not live a life of lies & and for goodness sakes start being real about things!! Taking control of your life is a big step but it can be done & its never too late.

****I know this topic is broad but I have so many emotions and feelings about a situation thats going on in my life that has to due with Stevens family. I just dont understand some things & cant see why its not fixed and controlled by now***

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Everything Happens For A Reason

I don't know if every single thing that happens to us has a reason, but when I look back at my life and connect the dots, it sure does seem so. If I didnt have the parents I have, I could have led a completely different life in different surroundings and around different people. If I hadn't chosen the college I did, I would have never met my husband Steven!!! And I can go on and on with the twists and turns of my life, and how it could have been different had I made different choices. Does that mean my life was meant to be this way? It may seem naive, but I reallt think so.

Of course everyone has storiesand they really make you wonder. Some of us think of them as mere coincidences, and some of us think there are reasons for why these things happen. If we believe that everything happens for a reason, it is easier for us to alleviate our doubts, guilt, and all those "what ifs" we ask ourselves. If we believe that everything happens for a reason it helps us make sense of things and puts are hearts and minds at ease. It may just be a coping mechanism, but for many it seems to work.

We can't dwell, but we do have to play the hand we are dealt and make the best of it. If believing there is a purpose and reason for everything is what we need to do, then that's exactly what we should do.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Learning to Sit Still Sometimes

I once heard somebody define being a grown up as coming to the place where you not only take care of yourself, but you take care of others as well. If this is the case, then just about all of my growing up has taken place over the past 5 years. When I was single I could barely take care of myself!!! I was known for skipping appointments because I forgot about them. I couldn't keep my room clean, I could not stay organized, a healthy meal was pizza with green peppers or mushrooms on it. I didnt prepare for anything in advance. I had no idea what mulitasking was at that point.

My, my my how times have changed for Casey!!!! Im probably the EXTREME opposite of what I use to be. I laugh when my single friends complain about how much laundry they have. I do laundry for 4, I have a whole house to keep clean, boys( and husband) to keep happy, and healthy, well-rounded meals to fix. One of my friends watched me one time as I set the table and later told me that she was amazed at how many things I could do at once. I was holding the baby, having a phone conversation, putting plates on the table, stirring the pots on the stove, and I was pushing toys to the play area with my feet. I'm kind of proud of my new found productivity-haha

However, even though doing all these things are important, there are other more important things. We have ear infections & sinus infections at my house right now. Sunday we figured out the boys were sick -As I gave him medicine and got Caden settled he said, "Mommy, I love you- will you watch movies with CAAADEN" While my son and I cuddled and watched "Finding Nemo," I realized that just being still and loving him was what he needed the most from me. I have a huge tendency to feel like I have to be moving around and doing things in order to be productive. I don't think this is necessarily true- I have figured out a few things. The way to my oldest son's heart is literally just sitting there TALKING. He loves to ask questions about EVERYTHING!!!! He likes to have my undivided attention and gets so frustrated when I won't stop what I am doing to make eye contact with him. If I sit down, my youngest son Cam will run and climb up in my lap. He loves when I stop what I am doing and play with him,patty cake,count, and peek a boo. The way to Camden's heart though is READING. He claps his hands and smiles with pure delight pretending he is reading. Even my husband is thrilled when I give him all of my attention directly to him & sit there and just listen.

Soooooo, it seems to me that my family ENJOYS me more when I'm sitting with them, rather than running around doing stuff for them like I feel I should do as a mother and wife. I still have to clean and cook and all that because these things obviously bless my family and very important, but it seems that the most important things are happening when I'm SITTING STILL.