Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Finding Yourself Again

We all come to a stage in life where we are so busy tossing & juggling our lives and jobs that we lose ourselves in it for the most part. There are many fathers are so busy looking out for the well-being of the their entire family, fulfilling every need of their wife and kids that one day when they look in the mirror, they don’t recognize themselves. Dealing with many thing at the same time causes you to forget about yourself & what your wants needs are as man.
Women usually lose their identity and manage their family even though she too works equally hard in her job. But when she gets home, she changes her role instantly from the working woman to a cook, making dinner for the hole family, then teacher to check on her kids work, then a housekeeper to clean up from the whole day which can be a huge task I am sure. The things are endless and it is really difficult to prioritize because everything seems so important to make your life complete success.

It seems that people realize that they have lost themselves when they get older and the children have left for college or they are not home as much. Suddenly there is a void, and they don’t know how to live anymore or dont know how to get outside the box they are use to living in. Loneliness can be dreadful but in that moment its where you can dig deep & find who you really are without limitation & boundaries that surround us as being parents. Self motivation can be tricky but all it needs is determination. To find yourself again, Remembering that age should never a barrier. It becomes one if you make it. Engaging into different things or activities that you had missed out earlier would probably be a good start.

The answer lies inside all of us. It is just that we don’t reflect within & really face the issue instead we brush it under the rug & live the cycle of the thing you call life. Praying & self reflection really helps to bring out and tune with the innermost feelings. In the end, only you can live the life you always wanted, no one can do it for you.

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